You’ve heard the joke, “A consultant is someone who borrows your watch to tell you the time, and then keeps the watch”. That’s one that is funny but not funny.  Most consultants will spend from a week to several months looking at your business, hand you a 30-40 page document of the good, the bad and the ugly, with the final 3-4 pages of “fix-it” recommendations and promptly send a big bill.

Gencon doesn’t do that. We consult, strategize and coach with your team. As coaches we are teachers,  confidants,  trusted advisors, and orchestrators, providing you with the right knowledge, tools and relationships at the right time.  We look at your “watch”, help fix it and stay cheering you on as you use it properly.

As coaches, we are not the sages from the stage, more like the strong voice of reason from the sidelines. Encouraging and involved, helping you see the plan and helping you execute to success. A good coach can help a team come together and win. Win the first battles and ultimately achieve your long-term goals.

Bottom line, we won’t steal your watch. Gencon will help you and your leadership team create profitable growth, institute a culture of accountability and become more successful.  Contact our team of experts for your free team assessment and let us look at your watch